Benefits of Bariatric Surgery – Advice from a Kolkata Bariatric Surgeon

For people who wish to reduce weight, bariatric surgery may be life-changing. But did you know that there is a plethora of additional health advantages to losing weight? Bariatric surgery may result in long-term weight reduction in obese persons who have not had success with other weight management methods. There are several bariatric operations available.Continue reading “Benefits of Bariatric Surgery – Advice from a Kolkata Bariatric Surgeon”

5 Foods To Avoid After Going Through A Bariatric Surgery

Some patients, after bariatric surgeries, make a vital mistake by thinking that they are now free to eat everything that they wish for. But there is a big “No” as after the surgery each and every patient is instructed to follow a particular diet chart for a speedy recovery. In that diet plan, all theContinue reading “5 Foods To Avoid After Going Through A Bariatric Surgery”

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